Get to know your customers
In recent years, brands have increasingly targeted consumers through digital alone, because of the channel’s quick delivery and measurability. But, as Mark de Bruijn, a recognised author and speaker on Customer Experience, highlighted at our recent Future Promotion Forum, “customers are people too” and “experience is personal”. Whether it’s relating to music, art or communications, each person’s interests are unique and sending non-targeted, irrelevant ads or e-shots is no longer cutting through.
Instead, brands should be tapping into their customers’ emotions by targeting them with content that addresses their needs. To measure a buyer’s experience, companies have to understand how they’ve made the consumer feel – that’s the basis of a genuine relationship. And it’s not a new concept either. Netflix and Airbnb are just two big names already making their platforms more personal with specific recommendations based on a user’s search history and preferences.
And accessing the information to get to know customers shouldn’t be a challenge. As Mark explained, “it’s not the lack of data available that is the concern, it’s about using the data and turning it into insights to create the right experience, at the right time, using the right platform, for the right person”. Regardless of whether a company has the technology and data already in place, if they don’t get to know their recipient, they’re missing a trick!